Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Years Eve... by 9 p.m.

December 31, 2013
We celebrated New Years Eve with my good friend Nicole and her two girls. We were chatting yesterday at work about how neither of us had any plans for New Years Eve and decided we might as well have no where to go together.

So we planned an impromptu pizza party at her house. Jeff and I brought a salad and drinks, Nicole ordered the pizza and provided a few sweet treats. We were going to play a bunch of kid games we brought but when Pearl saw Gabby's Barbie collection, all games were out. Fern and Parker tormented each other because Cole was playing with all of "my toys!" It was funny... and a taste of his own medicine.

We ended the evening with a few minutes of the movie Land Before Time III or something like that. And then it was "Happy New Year!" and bed by 9 p.m.

A parent-perfect New Years.

Mustache scarf

December 30, 2013
Thanks Juanito Bandito for the new mustache scarf! I love it!

(And thanks to my hubby for buying it for me at the show!)

Hide the Lizard

December 29, 2013
I crawled into bed and felt a lizard under the sheets. Ahhh back to the old hiding spots again I thought to myself. I pulled the lizard out from under the fitted sheets and started to climb back in bed when I felt another one. Not totally unusual. But then they kept coming!!!!! Jeff burst out laughing and said he'd been waiting all day for me to find them. He'd gone to Zurcher's and bought a whole bunch of them... 18 and counting! 

And as a side note, new lizards are much more glittery than the old ones.

Grandma's Rice Krispie teddy bears

December 28, 2013
I drove all over town looking for heart-shaped Red Hots and Reese's peanut butter dots (teeny, tiny chocolate and peanut butter dots) but to no avail.

So the Rice Krispie teddy bears aren't quite like Grandma's. But they are buttery, soft delicious memories of her.


December 27, 2013
Oh yes, she went to the store like this.

What a weirdo.

Puppy love

December 26, 2013
This is proof that some days my children are pretty much left up to their own devices for survival. I'm pretty sure this is the same shirt Cole wore for part of the day yesterday and then slept in. He probably hasn't eaten breakfast. Definitely hasn't brushed his teeth since... well, I'm not sure since when. And the only love and affection he's received is from the dog. Who has also determined the poor kid is practically orphaned and in need of a good scrubbing.


Hide the Lizard Christmas Style

December 25, 2013
It appears my lizard friends and Santa are closer than I thought.