Monday, May 27, 2013


May 27, 2013
Lehi Roller Mills has the best muffin mixes.

The only problem with them is one kid likes raspberry and the other kid likes blueberry. And becasue they are so good and I do everything possible to avoid whining and meltdowns from the two  pipsqueaks who control our household, I made a batch of each.

I have a feeling they won't last very long though.

The nap we all needed

May 26, 2013
You have NO IDEA how much we all needed this nap.

No idea.

(And yes, he does have his hand down his pants. He's a boy.)

Couldn't Resist

May 25, 2013
After a very long and hot day pulling weeds and laying two loads of compost in the flower beds, the kids couldn't resist jumping on the trampoline with the sprinklers on.

And neither could Jeff.

Walk from Hell

May 24, 2013
We are dog sitting for a friend. It's actually are friend who we got Blu from... so it's Blu's momma we're watching. We owed him because he watched Blu for us while we were gone. So being the responsible dog sitter that I am, I took the two dogs and two kids (with two scooters) on a walk.

It was the worst decision I have made in weeks!!!

A complete disaster! I was ready to pull my hair out and pluck my eyeballs out and scream until someone locked me in the looney bin!

Ok, so what I really wanted to do is leave that pipsqeak who refused to actually ride his scooter or walk or listen or do anything but plop down in the middle of the trail while I yelled and screamed at the dogs to stay off the golf course, leave the other walkers/bikers alone, and come back and then yelled and screamed at him to get moving.

I am never making this mistake again. Ever!


May 23, 2013
I guess we watched Wreck It Ralph one too many times on our drive to Yellowstone because ever since we got home, Cole has been running around the house and yard with a weapon in each hand and one down shirt (or pants) killing cybugs.

He is quite certain our entire backyard is infested with cybugs. And it doesn't matter to him if it's bedtime or not, those cybugs must be killed at all costs.

I do not like guns

May 22, 2013
I'm sorry America but I really don't get the fascination with guns.

I have personal reasons for not liking guns. A friend in middle school accidentally shot his face off... yes I said his face.

I have professional reasons for not liking guns. Too many people kill themselves or have their children accidentally kill or hurt themselves to justify in my mind why anyone needs a weapon capable of blowing someone's head off in their home.

And I have political reasons why I just don't get the need for weapons this dangerous. I won't even go there.

So when the Young Men and Young Women wanted to do their annual trip to the shooting range, I tried really hard to get out of it. But the kids needed a ride there. I was really, really nervous. Especially when we headed up to the rifle range and saw an entire Scout troop of 11- and 12-year-old boys laughing and blasting weapons like they were elastic guns. And then there was the group of teenage boys who had no logical reason why they needed that much ammo or that loud of gun or that big of gun either. Teenage boys and guns? If that doesn't scare the bejeebers out of you, you're nuts! And then the men in my ward pulled out their weapons... aka, "The Cowboy" pictured here. I almost turned around and ran home.

But I was brave. I made it very clear that I do not like guns, I do not want guns in my home, and that I was only there because I love the youth. Even a round of obligatory shots isn't about to make me a gun-loving, red-blooded American. 


May 21, 2012
Our neighbors gave the kids their birthday presents tonight. And after opening them, we found out why they had to get them together.

New scooters.

Just what the kids wanted! Hopefully these new fancy scooters will help with the "my legs are broken" whines when we take the dog on a walk.

Summer Feet

May 20, 2012
Who needs a summer solstice to tell you summer is here when you have little, dirty, black feet?

Together at the Falls

May 19, 2013
It's not often that you see me in pictures. Let alone me and Jeff together sans kids.

It's also not often that you see a bald eagle's nest. Which we did shortly after asking this cute, young, probably newlywed couple to take our picture. Or learn that your mother-in-law and daughter have gone missing and are no where to be found. Even after running up and down all the trails by the falls thinking there is no possible way they'd go on a real trail. Apparently a 70-year-old and a 6-year-old who have to go to the bathroom figure a five-mile walk is quicker than just asking for a ride back to the bathroom.

Bed Hog

May 18, 2013
Apparently the birthday boy figured it was perfectly acceptable to take the entire bed... leaving his mother who gave birth to him and who has kept him alive for three years about six inches on the side. When asked why he took the whole bed, his happy response? "Because me want to!"

Feeding the Fish at Warm River

May 17, 2013
The sign may say "no fishing" but it doesn't say "no feeding the fish."

And that's exactly what we did when we made a get-the-wiggles-out-stop at Warm River on our way to Yellowstone. Four loaves of bread didn't even come close to filling all those rainbow trouts' bellies.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lacrosse Cake


May 16, 2013
When Cole said he wanted a lacrosse birthday party I didn't think it would be that hard to find a lacrosse themed cake. Mind you, I don't bake or decorate birthday cakes myself but the bakery would surely have a lacrosse design.

I was wrong.

The bakery only had one option. A photo frame outlined in green with a teeny, tiny lacrosse stick in the corner.

Seeing as how there's no reasoning with a three-year-old when he has his mind set on something, I ordered it. It just wasn't worth the battle. Plus, I couldn't get to the bakery when they were open to ask if they'd do a custom cake and we'd decided to throw a last minute  cake and ice cream party for Cole's birthday in Logan, right before we went out of town on vacation. I didn't have much time for anything but the one, single lame-o lacrosse design in the bakery's cake books.

Fast forward a few days and I get a call from the bakery. The gal decorating the cake is a little confused because I never brought in a picture to put on the photo frame cake. When I explained the situation with Captain Underpants and how the only thing he wants is a lacrosse cake and a lacrosse birthday - and reminding her several times that he's three and has a mind of his own - she told me she'd see what she could come up with.

The rest of the day I kept hoping that maybe she'd feel sorry for me and come up with something a little better than what I'd originally ordered.

She far exceeded my expectations.

Jeff picked up the cake so I didn't know what to expect. When I took a peek inside the box, I squealed with delight! I even called the bakery like a crazy woman and rambled on and on to the poor kid who answered the phone about how the lady who decorated the cakes today had made my kid's entire day and deserved a raise or bonus or at least employee of the month. He said he'd relay my message. Pleasing my stubborn child is definitely worthy of some sort of reward.

Happy birthday Fern-boy!

Sticky note intervention

May 15, 2013

When a coworker walked in my office and saw sticky note after sticky note piled on top of each other {not to mention the stacks of papers everywhere}, on my phone, sticking to my computer screen and one in my hand ready to write myself a reminder note for what she needed help with, it dawned on me that I need an intervention.

I need serious help. Or a clone of myself.


May 14, 2013
Our neighbor boy Trevin loves coming over. He screams bloody murder the second he hears a knock at the door or catches even a glimpse of his mom, dad, or older brothers.

It makes us feel loved.

But after tonight I think the reason he screams at the thought of going home is because I let him get his clothes {and shoes} soaking wet playing in the pool. That or it's the three Popsicles I let him have.

The Tree of Life

May 13, 2013
There are moments when I stop in awe of the gift God has given me with my children.

Like tonight when Pearl insisted we have Family Home Evening. Even if it meant she had to squeeze her lesson and activity to just a few minutes because it was bedtime. She'd been working on it for at least a day and I didn't have the heart to tell her no.

She pulled out her Book of Mormon picture book and read Lehi's Dream to us. Then she showed us how to make a Tree of Life from a cutout of our hands.

I can tell you this sweet girl did not get this from my parenting. It's just who she is and I pray I am worthy of raising her.

Field of Weeds

May 12, 2013
I know these are weeds, but an entire field of dandelions is sure a pretty sight.


May 11, 2013
Why are these things so good?

New Toy

May 10, 2013
Guess what came in the mail today?

It has something to do with a little boy getting potty trained and two pipsqueaks' birthdays coming up. And a whole lot of money out of bank accounts.

Any bets on whether Jeff and I can actually build this thing? Without fighting?

Picture Day

May 9, 2013
I really, really hate picture day at school.

Surprising though, despite all the fun we have trying to convince the dwarfs to wear something nice, comb their hair, and stop whining, their pictures always turn out nice.

Even Punky Brewster's picture. Who I will have you know, was given permission to dress herself in whatever outfit suited her fancy. She must have one awesome mom!


May 8, 2013
What do you do when the clouds open and the rains fall?

You find your mom's umbrella, grab your dog, and head outside to "march, march, march" around the yard.

Oh to be a kid again.

Graffiti Artist

May 7, 2013

He's not even three yet and he's already a convicted graffiti artist.

Punky Brewster

May 6, 2013
I bet you didn't know Punky Brewster lived at our house, did you?

And today was pretty tame. She only had five colors layered together.

Master Chef again

May 5, 2013
I'm on a cooking roll!

Beef and bean burritos from The Pioneer Woman.

Master Chef here I come!

The most exciting two minutes in sports

May 4, 2013
The Kentucky Derby.

The most exciting two minutes in sports. Truly. Both the kids were glued to the T.V. cheering and hollering and asking which one was Secretariat.

I guess we have some history lessons to explain.

(And the winner? Orb.)

Chicken Parmesan

May 3, 2013
Every meal I make is judged according to the TV show Master Chef standards. If Pearl decides I can stay another week on Master Chef then I know dinner was a hit. Jeff whether it can go into the regular meal plan.

My first attempt at chicken parmesan from The Pioneer Woman?

Let's just say I get to stay another week and this is definitely going into the regular meal plan.

Henry and Mudge

May 2, 2013
Pearl has been reading the Henry and Mudge book series FOREVER. I like Henry. I like Mudge. But I'm kind of wondering how many adventures a boy and his ginormous dog can have. 

Well, as we turned the page to see what Henry and Mudge would do next at the beach, things got interesting. 

We are now having a family debate about whether that's Henry's back or butt crack. 

Guess what the consensus is.

Iron Chef

May 1, 2013

Every six months or so we hold an Iron Chef competition to see which team of youth in the ward has the best tasting, the best looking, the best use of a "secret" ingredient, and best presentation of main course or dessert. This competition focused on desserts. The youth pick their own recipes and have 60 minutes to cook and present their dishes to a panel of judges.

Well, with desserts our recipes consisted of rice crispie treats, no bake cookies, homemade Oreo's, and my winning recipe (the youth do need some help) peanut butter bars. I encouraged them to make peanut butter bars because they were a ward favorite from an older gentleman who kept the recipe under lock and key until he moved and gave it to me!

I'll admit I may have helped the peanut butter bar team a little more than I should have. But what I didn't help with was their presentation of the dish.... a unicorn. And it was one of our young men who decided to shape those peanut butter bars into something fun. That is exactly why I love serving the youth. They are so dang fun to hang out with! And very, very creative.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


April 30, 2013
For months, Cole has been telling us he wants a lacrosse birthday party. And lacrosse stuff like Uncle Kurtis.

I think he's figured out that lacrosse provides a perfectly acceptable and legal way of hitting people with sticks and running around with a helmet. Apparently fueled by that Y chromosome every male has.

Well in an attempt to bribe my children to keep themselves entertained so I could enjoy the game, I stopped by a toy store before the game. I kid you not, it wasn't even 10 seconds after walking in the store and Cole had found a lacrosse set. There was no way in Hades he was leaving without it. Especially because it was blue and just like Uncle Kurtis'. 

It's the best $20 I have ever spent. 


April 29, 2013
Every so often when we drive to Cache Valley - especially if we drive through my old running grounds - it hits me.

This is home.

When You're Already Late...

April 28, 2013
When you're already 20 minutes late to church because you refused to cooperate with your Mother's pleadings - more like threats - to get dressed, go potty, brush your teeth, leave the dog alone, comb your hair, eat your breakfast, find a toy to be quiet with, quit hitting your sister, stop crying, and find your shoes, what's another 20 minutes to walk there?

Employee Perks

April 27, 2013
When it rains it pours! Even with good things like being busy all Saturday with kids soccer games, household chores, and enjoying a free evening at the museum and dinner at Kneader's Bakery. Thanks to Jeff's employer who was rated one of Utah's best companies to work for in 2012. Renting out the entire Utah Natural History Museum for your employees and their families and supplying hungry and slightly bored kids with cake and pedometers is just one of the nice employee perks Jeff gets.

Who Did the "A" Kicking Now?

April 26, 2013
Pearl had a soccer game this morning. Unfortunately for Cole, his team had a bye. Yeah. Try explaining the meaning of a bye to a three-year-old dressed in his uniform and ready to win. Not pretty.

Anyway. When we got to the field, the other team was already there and warming up. Now, I know these are 5 and 6 year-olds but I have to admit, the other team did look slightly intimidating. I mean, they had real cones set up and their coach was trying to get them to do actual soccer drills. Not the fun stretching, cheers, and let's pass the ball to our teammates while saying their names kind of stuff I had in mind.

Jeff whispered in my ear, "You're going to get your asses kicked!"

Have I mentioned I'm the coach?

I lost count of how many goals were scored during the game, but it was at least three. But let's just say after the game, I turned to Jeff and asked him, "Who did the ass kicking?"

Yep. My team is 2-0 for the season with Pearl scoring a goal in each of our first two games. And he doubted my soccer skills.


April 25, 2013
I'm not really sure if I should think all of these koi fish are cool or creepy.

Never mind. Creepy.

Guilt Ridden Cheerleaders

April 24, 2013
I have felt immensely guilty that I had yet to see my little brother play a lacrosse game this season. His Senior season too! With only three regular season games left, I decided to pack up the kids, leave work and school early, and head to Cache Valley to watch him play one of Sky View's arch rivals, Mountain Crest.

Apparently not going to any games and then suddenly showing up at the end of the season is bad luck.

Even with a tough loss though, I still had fun watching Kurtis play... he's a stud. Even if I have no clue what's going on.

Butt Cheeks

April 23, 2013
I had a cute video of Cole singing the ABC's today, but sine this is a photo blog, you get a different picture of Fern.

The picture seems innocent enough, except for at this exact moment Pearl is telling her brother, "You look like a face with butt cheeks."

What the....?

Jeff and I weren't sure if we should laugh or discipline her. I have no idea where that child comes up with this stuff.

Lost in Imagination

April 22, 2013
I spy with my little eye, two kids lost in a world of imagination.


April 21, 2013
Almost every Sunday the kids beg us to go over to see our friend Marlowe and his dogs, Lucky and Emily. Blu's momma and half-sister to be technically accurate. We walk to Marlowe's house and then walk all three dogs over to the elementary school to let them run around. It's great because the dogs get worn out and the kids (and Jeff) get to chatter to Marlowe for hours.

That cute puppy Emily with her tongue hanging out reminds me why I got a dog in the first place... 'cause Blu was once a cute, LITTLE puppy. And boy does she think Blu is fun. I think it's because she finally has someone to play with that looks like her since her mom is a yellow lab and she was the only chocolate lab in the litter. They're almost spitting images of each other. "Twinners" as Pearl would say. Only for Marlowe's sake, I hope Emily doesn't get to be 80+ lbs. before she's even a year old.

Krispy Kreme

April 20, 2013
What better way to chase away the grouchies than a warm doughnut and bottle of milk.

New Uniforms

April 19, 2013
Cole can hardly wait for tomorrow. It's his (and Pearl's too) first soccer game. He's been asking every day - multiple times a day - if today is finally the day he can play soccer.

And as you can see, he's also been breaking in his new uniform. Which I am praying will stay on tomorrow because I can't find any bigger safety pins!

Giant Poop

April 18, 2013
My children have more of Jeff's DNA in them than I'd like to admit. They are funny little pipsqueaks. Just like their dad.

Tonight when I got home, Cole eagerly told me that he'd pooped in the toilet. And then proceeded to show me just how big of a poop it really was. Imagine if you will your best fishing story in which the fish you caught just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Only instead of a fish, it's a poop, "Me poop giant poo-poo this big!"

I don't know about you, but I'm impressed.

Spring Views

April 17, 2013
Maybe if I stare at my favorite sign of spring long enough Mother Nature will follow suit and bring some warm sunshine our way.

Probably not. But at least the view is nice.