Friday, March 29, 2013

First Picnic Outside

March 28, 2013
The kids really, really, really wanted to eat outside. They didn't give us parents much of a choice. And since I wasn't the parent glued to the T.V. for March Madness, it only meant one thing. I was the lucky one to supervise their first outside picnic of the year.

Since we don't have any patio furniture out yet, we sat on milk crates. Blu made more than one attempt to steal our fries and burgers and when she realized that wasn't happening, proceeded to drool all over my pants. 

While the food was delicious, by the time I got around to eating it, it was cold. We may or may not have had two mishaps with one kid pooping their pants and the other kid getting a bloody nose that diverted my attention. Again while the other parent was completely oblivious to the fun dinner fiasco that was underway. I can't think of two things more gross to happen during dinner - well, except maybe barf - than poop and bloody noses.

And the kids wondered why I was less than enthusiastic about their idea to eat dinner outside.

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