Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mother of the Year Award

January 6, 2013
The Mother of the Year Award goes to me for failing to protect my sweet boy from face planting it right down the corner of a stupid freestanding closet.

Thankfully, he is a boy. Which unlike what his sister would have done, stopped crying after just a few minutes and said he wanted some "cheese and roni" for lunch.

Poor Fern.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, this will not be the only time you can not be the big marshmallow for your children to land on, crash on, or slam dunk on. You should see some of the scars on my kids!

    Put some Arnica on it to help it stop the bruising and to cut down on the scarring. When my kids where small I carried little pills of arnica in my handbag, in my car and all around the house. When they get a boo boo, I would pop two into the cap of the plastic container and slip them into their mouths for them to swallow. It works like a treat and it was the magic pill, it is great for shock as well.

    Keep up the great work on raising your kids, they are wonderful!!!
