Sunday, November 3, 2013

No Timeouts

October 16, 2013
Cole struggles with timeouts at school. Some days a lot. He doesn't like to take naps (even at home) and apparently that's a big no-no at school. I find it a tad ridiculous that they can't let him go outside and play with the older kids. I know I couldn't hold still on a tiny mat for two hours! Or if you shoot your friends with a pretend gun... um, yeah, we actually got a note about Cole shooting his friends. Lame.  And totally stupid.

You know it's bad when the first thing your kid tells you when you pick him up is how many timeouts he had that day. And it's really, really bad when he won't tell you how many timeouts he had.

But some days things go almost perfectly and you hear, "Mom! Me have no timeouts today!"

Bribery does work after all. Now if I could convince his teachers to let him pick something other than a stamp as his reward for four days of naps and no timeouts!

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