Monday, May 27, 2013

I do not like guns

May 22, 2013
I'm sorry America but I really don't get the fascination with guns.

I have personal reasons for not liking guns. A friend in middle school accidentally shot his face off... yes I said his face.

I have professional reasons for not liking guns. Too many people kill themselves or have their children accidentally kill or hurt themselves to justify in my mind why anyone needs a weapon capable of blowing someone's head off in their home.

And I have political reasons why I just don't get the need for weapons this dangerous. I won't even go there.

So when the Young Men and Young Women wanted to do their annual trip to the shooting range, I tried really hard to get out of it. But the kids needed a ride there. I was really, really nervous. Especially when we headed up to the rifle range and saw an entire Scout troop of 11- and 12-year-old boys laughing and blasting weapons like they were elastic guns. And then there was the group of teenage boys who had no logical reason why they needed that much ammo or that loud of gun or that big of gun either. Teenage boys and guns? If that doesn't scare the bejeebers out of you, you're nuts! And then the men in my ward pulled out their weapons... aka, "The Cowboy" pictured here. I almost turned around and ran home.

But I was brave. I made it very clear that I do not like guns, I do not want guns in my home, and that I was only there because I love the youth. Even a round of obligatory shots isn't about to make me a gun-loving, red-blooded American. 

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