Thursday, April 25, 2013


April 14, 2013

Birthdays are a big deal when you're five. At "100" not so much. It's just like any other day.

Pearl however, was more excited about my geezerhood than myself. To celebrate, she made me breakfast. Given the fact that I haven't been to the grocery store in close to two weeks, we'd been out of town all weekend, and we have early church, I'd say I was pretty lucky to get the last pieces of bread and cup of OJ.

Then when we got home from church, Pearl handed me a little orange Easter egg. She had the biggest smile on her face. I opened up my present - all while wondering how she kept an Easter egg hidden from me - and inside was a teeny, tiny note that said, "Happy Brthay Mom" on one side and "Love Pearl I love Mom" on the other side. And there was a seashell Pearl had gotten from school that she had kept hidden from me... because I like seashells according to Pearl. I guess it's because I have a jar of seashells from Bear Lake and my trip to Florida in the bathroom. Jeff told me after I gave her a big hug that she'd kept this little present hidden from me since January.

That effort right there was all I could have ever asked for.

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