Thursday, April 25, 2013

Kids Day

April 13, 2013
After today, I couldn't remember if we went to Vernal for my work or for the kids. Not only did they get to decide all of yesterday's activities (minus my meeting of course), but today we got to attend the Ute Tribe's Kids Day event. It's funny because I've taken them to these type of safety fairs before and they complain about how boring they are. Well, today they didn't want to leave. Of course I'm well aware that it might have been the thought of sitting in the car for three hours that was more of an impact on their sudden enthusiasm for my line of work in injury prevention.

They had fire trucks and a police dog. Candy, basketball, pencils, coloring books, and free lunch. But the best part of the day was getting a picture of Jeff and McGruff.... Jeff's mom was McGruff when he was a delinquent... and watching Pearl ride the crash simulator a dozen times. It was her favorite part of the entire weekend. Crashing into her mom or dad and having her head band come flying off while she stayed nice and safe thanks to her seat belt. Cole was more than upset that he was too little to ride the "crazy drivers" ride.

Here's hoping something from the weekend stuck and those two always buckle up.

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