Thursday, April 25, 2013

The letter "K"

April 4, 2013
Every Thursday is show-and-tell day.

Which is the most important day of the week when you're in Kindergarten.

Pearl starts prepping us for the week's show-and-tell theme at least three days in advance and would absolutely DIE if we forgot to take something. The tricky part is when the theme is a letter of the alphabet, Pearl insists that we can't take something that has already been written on the board. No matter how much I try to explain that they just write down words that start with that particular letter for practice, and that it's ok to take the something that is on the board, she inists we find something unique.

Do you know how hard it is to find something that starts with the letter "Q" or "X"?

Even the letter "K" this week took some thinking. Until it we both realized "Kimmy" starts with the letter "K".

So Pearl happily took two pictures of her and Aunt Kimmy with her for show-and-tell. I knew a lot of the kids would remember her from when she worked at the daycare so it was a hit with everyone. And with Kimmy.

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